
Template Name: Hugo - CV Template

Version: 1.0.0

Created On: 16 December 2020

Updated On: 03 June 2024

Author: LettstartDesign


Nowadays, Having a captivating online presence is crucial to showcase your products, skills, and achievements. Whether you're a freelancer, a creative professional, or a job seeker, having a visually appealing and efficient portfolio website is necessary to make a lasting impression. Thus, our Hugo comes into play - an adaptable and responsive Personal Portfolio Landing Pages and Website Templates designed to create your SaaS landing pages, CV websites, bootstrap website templates, and portfolio websites.

Here are some key features of Hugo Personal Portfolio Website Templates:
  • Speed: It's a lightweight static website template that performs great on the browser.
  • Flexibility: It comes with 8+ landing pages, a wide range of themes, responsive designs, and customization options.
  • Ease of use: Simple setup and configuration process. All the website templates are easy to edit and use.
  • SEO-Friendly: It's a static website template followed by best practices. A theme is error-free and validated by w3c compliance.
Benefits of Using Hugo for Personal Portfolios
Ready-made Landing Pages

Hugo Personal Portfolio Website Templates have many pre-made landing pages to meet business requirements. It's built on the most recent version of Bootstrap 5 along with HTML5, SCSS, and jQuery, which ensures compatibility across different devices and screen sizes, providing a seamless browsing experience for your visitors.

Mutipurpose Website Templates

Hugo is a powerful, modern, SEO-friendly, and responsive bootstrap template specially designed for freelancers, developers, portfolio websites, CV templates, bloggers, creative portfolio templates, writers, personal portfolios, minimal portfolio templates, HTML 5 landing pages, simple bootstrap portfolios, bootstrap 5 landing pages, photographers, artists, professionals, designers, resumes for experienced professional, bootstrap website templates, and blog website templates. It may be used as a single-page website template, one-page template, multi-page template, blogging template, and creative template.

Clean and Modern Design

Hugo Personal Portfolio Website Template ensures visitors to your website are left with a lasting impression with its clean and modern design approach. Every component of Hugo's design, from the vibrant graphics to the crisp font, is painstakingly created to captivate your audience and entice them to explore more.

Performance Efficient

Nowadays, users expect websites to load quickly and perform perfectly across all devices. Hugo takes performance seriously, with optimized w3c-validated code and lightweight assets that ensure fast loading times and smooth navigation. Whether your visitors navigate to your website from a desktop, tablet, or smartphone, they'll enjoy a seamless browsing experience without lagging or delaying.

Easy to Customize

Your website is more than a portfolio, it's a reflection of your brand identity. After downloading Hugo, you have the authority to customize every aspect of your website to align with your brand aesthetics and identity. With Hugo, you have complete control over how your brand will be portrayed online, from selecting interactive elements and layout options to choosing color palettes and fonts.

Detailed Documentation

Building a website can be a daunting task, particularly for inexperienced web developers. For this reason, Hugo comes with comprehensive documentation and dedicated support to guide you through the process. Whether you need assistance configuring your website, customizing templates, or troubleshooting issues, Our team is here to support you at every stage.


In conclusion, Hugo is a bootstrap 5 based powerful, modern, SEO-friendly, and responsive portfolio website template. It's a powerful tool for someone looking to display their talents, skills, and achievements. Hugo is an ideal choice for creating personal portfolios, showcasing works, PPC campaigns, portfolio websites, SaaS landing pages, html website templates, and CV landing pages. Hugo empowers you to create an attractive online presence that stands out from the crowd. With its versatility, sleek design, responsive behavior, and optimized performance, Hugo is the ultimate choice for anyone serious about making an impact online. So why wait? Elevate your online presence with Hugo Personal Portfolio Landing Pages & Website Templates today and unlock endless possibilities for success.

Before you start working with the template, we suggest you go through the pages that are bundled with the theme. Most of the template example pages contain quick tips on how to use a component that can be helpful when you need to create something on the fly.

Hugo bootstrap template comes complete with documented code to simplify the customization process.>

Thank you so much for choosing this template. Your comments and ratings would be highly appreciated. You have purchased this template so, you will get full support from us. We will update this template from time to time and we want to hear from you for future updates or complete new templates. If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this document, feel free to raise a ticket at the Marketplace support portal.

By purchasing this template, you are assured with detailed documentation along with 1 Year Premium Support by our dedicated support team and free lifetime updates from us.

Template Features
  • Built on Bootstrap 5.3, SaSS and Gulp
  • 8+ Homepage
  • Integrated Contact Form with PHP
  • Responsive Design
  • Unique, Clean and Modern Design
  • Pixel Perfect Design
  • Clean Code & Unique Design
  • Easy to Customize
  • Cross Browser Optimization
  • Google Fonts Used

After download a source package From our Store.

Install Node.js From

After that open command promt or any other terminal and go to Package Path.

cd [root] / code /

Npm is a default package manager for the JavaScript runtime environment Node.js. If you've already then update once.

npm install --global npm@latest

To check weather is node succesfully install or not.

npm --version

For yarn package manager.

npm install --global yarn

To check weather is yarn succesfully install or not.

yarn --version

Now, run the below command(This command will install the necessary libraries in node_modules folder which is generated by this command):

npm install

Normally project will run on the localhost:3000 or it will take port accordingly and for run the project run the below command:

gulp watch or npm start

How to Install npm dependencies?

In your root folder enter the following command to install the project dependencies: npm install, this command will install all the template libraries inside the node_modules folder.

How to Install npm packages?

npm install packagename, this command will install the package in node modules.

Getting started

After unzip the downloaded pack, you'll get a SRC and DIST folder. DIST folder is compiled version of SRC. SRC is raw files using gulp you will generate the dist files. All the configuration of gulp will be in gulp file.

You can directly use the compiled DIST and ready-to-use the version of the template. But in case you plan to customize the template extensively the template allows you to do so. You need to edit in SRC files by the help of gulp it convert the SRC files into DIST files and You will able to see the changes.

You can view this Template in any browser, you can display or edit the Template without an internet connection.(May not works fonts).

After change in any files or you add any assets like javascript, css, images. You need to upload on the server. To upload file on server open your cpanel/controlpanel or open filezilla and upload the content/assets of the Template on your server's root directory.

Once the files are done uploading go to

Folder Structure

After purchasing our template extract the zip file and you will see this structure.

  • Hugo/
    • documentation/
    • App/
      • dist/
        • assets/
          • css/
          • images/
          • js/
          • php/
          • vendors/
        • HTML Files
      • src/
        • assets/
          • images/
          • js/
          • scss/
        • Partials
        • HTML Files
    • Gulp.js
    • package.json

By default, the template loads this font from Google Web Font Services, you can change the font with the one that suits you best.

@import url(', 300i,400,400i,500,500i,600,600i,700&display=swap');
@import url(',400,400i,600,600i,700&display=swap');

Box Icons: <i class="bx bx-edit"></i>

Simple Line Icon: <i class="icon-eye"></i>

Box Icon: <i class="bx bx-menu"></i>

How to setup gulp tasks

GULP is a task runner for automating painful or timr-consuming tasks in your development workflow, so you can stop messing around and build something.

How to use it:

Install all the dependencies that is required for the project like

1. npm install -gulp

2. Make gulpfile.js

3. Define task in gulpfile.js

We have already setup the gulp and defined the standard task. In case you want to add your extra task follow the below code.

gulp.task('sass', function () {
	return gulp.src('baseDir/assets/scss/**/*.scss')
	.pipe(sourcemaps.init({ loadMaps: true }))
	.pipe(sass().on('error', sass.logError))
		stream: true
gulp.task('watch', gulp.series('sass', (done) => { //dependancies array
		server: {
			baseDir: "Folder Directory"
	})'baseDir/*.html', gulp.series(reloadBrowserSync));// reload browser if changes in js detected'baseDir/assets/scss/**/*.scss', gulp.series('sass')); // after detect changes run gulp series tasks.'baseDir/assets/**/*.js', gulp.series(reloadBrowserSync)); // reload browser if changes in js detected

We are committed to our customers and support is at up most priority. If you have any question, issue with HUGO, please feel free to contact us via email or generate ticket on our portal.

What's includes
  • Answering your questions or problems regarding the template.
  • Giving or Solving bugs report by you.
What's not includes
  • Customization Work
  • Support for third party plugins.
  • Support or guide how to integrate with backend technologies(like php, java, .net, etc).