
Nestable Lists 1
Drag & drop hierarchical list with mouse and touch compatibility.
  1. Choose a smartwatch
  2. Send design for review
    1. Coffee with the team
    2. Ready my new work
    3. Make a wireframe
      1. Video app redesign
      2. iOS apps design completed
      3. Dashboard design started
    4. Homepage design
    5. Developed UI Kit
Nestable Lists 2
Drag & drop hierarchical list with mouse and touch compatibility
  1. Item 11
  2. Item 12
  3. Item 13
  4. Item 14
  5. Item 15
    1. Item 16
    2. Item 17
    3. Item 18
Nestable Lists 3
Drag & drop hierarchical list with mouse and touch compatibility
  1. Item 13
  2. Item 14
  3. Item 15
    1. Item 16
    2. Item 17
    3. Item 18