KIOSK Angular 13 Portfolio Website Templates are modern, creative, and responsive portfolio and SaaS landing pages built using Angular 13, Bootstrap 5, SCSS, and Typescript.
KIOSK Angular 13 Portfolio Website Templates are perfect for web developer portfolio websites, angular portfolio websites, and personal portfolios. It can also be ideal for app promotions, angular personal portfolio templates, simple and minimal angular templates, portfolio website designs, angular SaaS templates, angular app landing pages, angular SaaS landing pages, angular portfolio templates, angular resume templates, angular one-page or single-page website templates, digital agencies, consulting, startups, professionals, consultancy landing pages, and IT services.
KIOSK Bootstrap Portfolio Templates comes with 10+ unique homepages, authentication UI, portfolio UI, blogs UI, and contact UI with a working contact form. This portfolio template allows you to build single-page or multi-page websites with other supportive pages.
KIOSK Bootstrap Portfolio Templates is a completely responsive template and works across all modern browsers and mobile devices. Download this template and create your portfolio website today and stand out from the crowd. You will assure of best code practices, one-year free premium support, and unlimited support once you purchase or download the template.
Kiosk website template also comes with a NextJS version with the name KIOSK NextJS Website Portfolio Templates & Landing Pages and Bootstrap version with the name KIOSK Bootstrap 5 Personal Portfolio HTML Templates.
Home Templates
Page Templates
Dark and Light Topbar
Left & Right Sidebar
Supportive Pages
Detailed Documentation
Lifetime Updates
Dedicated Support
I strongly recommend this template.